Wednesday, December 11, 2013

San Diego Unified Farm to School Program

I saw a truck driving around town today promoting SD Unified's Farm To School program.  Didn't know anything about it so looked it up:

The program's goals:  We do not expect to meet them over night but we will use these goals as our guiding principles for implementing our Farm to School program.
  • 15% of the fresh fruits and vegetables purchased will be sourced locally.
  • Serve one “all local” lunch per month.
  • Use sustainably raised hormone and antibiotic free meat and/or protein sources in school meals, use locally raised proteins when possible.
  • Develop supplemental Farm to School activities and experiential learning opportunities for students.
  • Create community partnerships.

Panera Commercial

While I don't think Panera's food is the best, I did however like this commercial: