Sunday, March 24, 2013

Fried Chicken

Snickers inside....  Miss Oreo outside....  Snickers was licking his lips!

Miss Oreo and her tasty treats

The ladies are getting big....  /ahem/ big boned I mean!

We had an incident this weekend.....

What you see below is kale....  pulled from the planter box.  My girls pulled and destroyed my kale and my new fancy freckles lettuce!!!  ARGH!!!

Oreo relaxing post-luncheon
So I decided to cover my planter boxes with bird netting.  I had sort of just thrown netting over the boxes before, but that was not proving to be effective in protecting my plants!  So hubby built some frames, and I covered them with bird netting.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Brocolli -- Eek!

Brocolli is on the list of poisonous plants for chickens in the Chicken Magazine that I have!  Who woulda thunk it?  I'm going to have to go pull my brocolli plant out -- it was time anyway, so that's fine.  But I've seen Butterscotch eating its leaves.

Root Simple Blog

Found this nice blog, Root Simple ( that was advertised in Chickens Magazine.

They have a link to an interesting TED talk on their site.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Chicken Experiments

I've been using the mason jar as a feeder for the two chickens.  It's been working fine except for the fact that they eat SO much that I have to fill this up almost every evening.

Mason jar feeder for chickens

We have a leftover cat feeder, that the cat is no longer using.  It's got more feed storage room than the small mason jar.  So we're going to try that.  I just filled it up partially for a test tomorrow.  I'll see if they can spill it, or if it makes a huge mess.  It probably will make a huge mess as it has a large open area as opposed to the small holes on the metal part of the other feeder.

Cat feeder option that we already have...
I guess I need to research what other options there are out there.  Besides, of course, getting two mason jar feeders :)

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Atomic Red Carrots!

Here is my biggest carrot yet!

When the Cat's Away....

The chickies do play!!

Snickers guarding Oreo and Butterscotch (over his shoulder outside)


Here are my potatoes...  Still growing...  waiting for them to flower and then I can pull them.